Tuesday, October 20, 2009

A Rant

Now for my rant.......would you take poison because it was pretty? That's what some relationships are, poison, however that package is so pretty we just keep taking it while our souls wither and die from neglect and toxic buildup. When the poison runs out, people do anything to get it back again. GOOD people, wonderful, smart, bright, gorgeous, people who have somehow discounted themselves enough to want poison. "I love him/her so much I may not survive without them, I even have shakes" yeah that's withdrawl, like from drugs. If you know who you are, really know yourself, hopes, dreams, fears and strengths, you will not allow this to happen to you. If you love yourself enough to want what's best for you, you will not allow anothers' confusion to affect you. Know what you really want. No shortcuts. Then honor that knowledge.

What about the guy/gal you met who was so perfect for you? Always calling and texting sweet nonsense? They stop showing the love and we want that back. That's our 'proof' we are loved and how dare they take that away? If we keep waiting for him or her to change, or change back, we are living in lala land. People DO change, however for now, all you can do is to change YOU.
Are you one of those people who keep mental or even physical lists? I called him the last 3 times and the last 4 dates, I was the one who suggested where we go. I sent him a cute card and he has never given me a card. I bought a sexy teddy and he never even complimented me on it.

Do you break up and make up hoping the thought of losing you forever will make him change?
What if he did that to you? "I am breaking it off because you expect 3 texts and a phone call a day". Then a month later he gets back with you hoping now you will be content with just a text. Mean and manipulative, don't you think?

If you want the perfect man for you, you have to be the perfect woman for him. YIKES no one person is perfect. So the answer is being the best you can be for yourself.

If 'Joe' is not making you happy, give the poor guy a kiss on the cheek and walk away. Why waste years on a person who has no interest in being with you? Have you told Joe what you want? Are you sending him mixed signals? Think hard what you and especially your actions are saying to him.

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